Monday, September 1, 2008

Alea iacta est

And now for something totally in no way different to my usual feverish drivel.

Yesterday I had a discussion with someone on their action plan in case of zombie apocalypse. It was quite well thought out. We then discussed possible adaptations in case of velociraptor attack. Versatile tactics are always important when dealing with both zombies and velociraptors. Tomorrow I think we should discuss what we would do if faced by zombies and velociraptors simultaneously (and they didn't just try to eat each other instead of us).

SO! Readers! I charge you to share in comments your action plans for zombies and/or velociraptors, that we my pool our collective knowledge and form a viable battle strategy for the cominc apocalypse.

Due to the very many different types of zombies in current zombie culture, I will stipulate that these are your slow, shambling breed of zombie. Limited intelligence (that means that they can't operate tanks and helicopters, k?).

If I deem your posts worthy, I will contribute the action plan we formulated to the collective in a few days. I'll probably do it even if your posts suck because if you haven't got a functional zombie/velociraptor plan by now then you're totally boned without my input. Srsly. I'm doing you a favour. Remember me when your brains are NOT being consumed by the walking dead or the running extinct.

1 comment:

HT said...

What's a velocriaptors?

You should add pictures to this post too...

...also think of the necrophiliacs!!!

Did you know necrophilia is legal in Wisconsin, USA? That's where 'That '70s Show' is set...